Tetris is as fun and addictive as ever and is back as a new game on Cybiko. It has been around for many years, but still is a fun game that should keep you playing for hours. Just a word of caution, Tetris was not developed by Cybiko and works on CySDK, not Cyberload. In this review I will tell you why I highly recommend Tetris. The next section will discuss graphics, which is not a necessary part in a game, but an important part to discuss.
Tetris doesn't have the best graphics, but is just as good as it originally was. Tetris was not developed to have good graphics, but is developed to be an enjoyable game and that is what it succeeds at. If you're looking for a game to show to your friends from a graphical standpoint, Tetris is not the game for you, but the game is still excellent. The game does have a few things going for it in a graphical standpoint; the good parts are that the blocks are big and easy to see, which makes the game easy and pretty detailed. Graphics are a part of a game that can be easily overlooked, but a part of a game that can't be overlooked is the gameplay and I will discuss that part next.
Tetris has excellent gameplay. The game onTly uses two buttons; the d-pad to move and enter to switch around your block and that is all that is needed. The harder you press down the d-pad the faster your block moves and it is spot on and ultra responsive. There is nothing in the gameplay that could be improved. The game plays as well on Cybiko as it has on any system it has ever been on. I am very impressed at the job the maker of Tetris did, porting Tetris on to the Cybiko. One of the most important parts in a game is the single player, because that is the the part which will decide how long the game you are playing stays and keeps your interest on your Cybiko and that is the part I will discuss next.
The single player in Tetris is great, I wish the game had a multi player or you could play against the computer, but the game is enjoyable on it's own. Tetris has always been known to be a fun and enjoyable game and this statement holds true on the Cybiko version. With a combination of good gameplay and a lot of fun, this is a game that should keep you playing for a very long time. Now, I will talk about the fun factor.
Tetris has always been fun and this version is as fun as ever. Tetris is one of the most fun games to have ever been created, which was the object in the creator's minds when it was developed. If you're looking for a fun game that will keep you hooked for hours, Tetris is the game for you. Now I will sum the game up and give my overall score.
Tetris is a very fun game and is exactly like the original version. If you didn't like Tetris when it was first released, then you won't like this version since it is no different than any of the incarnations of the original. Tetris stood the test of time and a game I highly recommend downloading for many hours of fun.
Pros: Fun
Great Gameplay
Excellent single player
Cons: No multi player
No versus mode
Overall Score