Cylandia Help/ Guide
Go into settings then clock and then time. Change the time to 5:58 AM and set it. Quickly go into Cylandia and if it says Night Began, wait. I it didn't, that means you were to late and you need to try again. Soon, it will say Day Began. Go to the luggage thingy and you should notice about $750 more dollars. Do this cheat over and over again and will have alot of $$$. E-mail me if it doesn't work and ill be glad to help you!
I am not sure if this works because I do not have a job. So, what you do is set the time right before your cy-b comes back from work. Then go into Cylandia and wait until he comes back. Sound like it might work?
*Warning* this gets rid of your old cy-b**
Age: 12.5
Social: 72
IQ: 100
Strength: 100
Age: 17
Job: President
Social 72
strength: 100
If you do not know how to put it on your Cybiko, click here (UPDATED!)
If you want to find out the cy-b's age exactly and the cy-year and time, press T. it comes in handy sometimes.
If nobody around you has a Cybiko or Cylandia and you want to get your Social up, here's how. Press <down> and when the hand gets to the tail (or to his back, which ever one works best, thanx DAKdylan!), press <down> again and do that over and over and over and his head should get higher and higher and it should start vibrating. Soon it will say +1 and his love for you should go up 1 point. After about every 5 or so points, the social should go up.
To do the same thing above with jumping, press <up> and while his hands are going up, press <up> again and keep doing it over and over. It brings up social and strength. It takes a bit longer than petting.
NOTE: Petting and jumping only brings it up to 10.
Want to raise your Cy-B's IQ because he is a dumb as a rock? Well, all you have to do is sell your book, then buy a book. He will want to read and so when you do, 1+ to IQ! If you do it over and over, you will get your way to 100!!! Yeah I know, buy price is higher then sell price, that is why you do my money cheat. Enjoy! (I give credit for this to MIKE)
e-mail me if it doesn't work
(it worked on mine!)
It's easy! Press tab and go into the middle icon. Where it says employed (EX: President 56K) press <enter>. After that, he'll walk right out the door!
~~~credit to~~~
AIM: DuDeGuY6n1HalF
E-mail: dudeguy3455@yahoo.com
1. first buy a book and a gym (for boy) sweatbands (for girl) then save 1000 and put the rest into food stocks
2. show the cy how to use all things 1-3 times (tub,clean,sink,ect) then let it build a desire to do these (read cannot be done till 2yo) when desire is high move to area but don't tell it to do the thing. If after a few minutes it doesn't go by self then show. (Points +10 if cy does by self when young)
Work on loyalty to you and sociability
1. pet-must be done in certain way
push down arrow and release
when hand is by tail push down again
this takes timing but keep pushing down when hand is by tail
the cy's head will raise
then the Cybiko will start to vibrate each time
after 6 times you should get a +1
2. jumping
push up arrow and release
the cy will jump twice during the 2nd jump when the arm open push up again
the cy will jump higher and each time push up when the arms open
after 9 times you should get a +1 (cy will jump almost to the top of the refrigerator)
this also increases strenght,loyalty, and sociability
3. How to get extra money (If your cy is under 15)
Go to settings and set the clock to either 8:59 am, 12:59 PM, 4:59 PM or 8:59pm and then go into Cylandia you should get $780 cy-dollars. Wait till it says 5:00 night begins and push the desktop quick button (top of Cybiko on the left) go back to settings and set time back to ?:59 Esc push Cylandia quick button (top right) and you will get another $780 (it is best to be in the buying screen on Cylandia so you can see if you got the money) every now and then the Cybiko doesn't register the change.
The only other way I have found to gain a lot of money so far is to have 2 Cybiko's and sell everything back and forth restarting the game
4. Misc. tips
A. don't listen to the cy's gibberish they say weird things that don't mean anything. Only worry about "I need to piddle" I wanna eat" There's no ____" the rest means nothing ( "I miss your touch, "can we sell something", ect.)
IQ tip- don't buy a computer till later after the cy is 2 make it read 1-3 times (over a few hours) and leave it build a desire to read on it's own (mine had a IQ of 100 by age of 6) I got it a computer at age 8 it has only used it once and he is now 17 and no loss of IQ.
my first cy (lost do to an unfortunate downloading/Cylandia cheating experiment) had a computer at age 3-4 and wanted to play it all the time loosing IQ points faster than gaining them. (IQ of 11 at time of death-15) so I suggest only not spoiling the cy with TV's and computers till they are needed to get a better job.
Thanks to JC for all the info!