Pounding Pistons 2
Pounding Pistons two is a game with few things going for it and I would recommend staying clear of this title. With so many excellent games out for Cybiko putting this game on would be a waist of space. There are 3 different tracks in Pounding Pistons two, but after playing for mere seconds I doubt you will want to play anymore. Below, I will tell you why not to get this game. I’m going to discuss the graphics in Pounding Pistons 2 next, which will show how much effort was putting in to making this a top notch Cybiko game, or a piece of crud.
Pounding Pistons two has good and bad graphics. The game has a top down view, which can already tell you something and parts of the game look okay. The backgrounds are pretty well detailed and look nice, but the vehicles are small and not very detailed. The wheels don’t roll when you’re moving and there is not that much variety in the cars. The cars look like they were copied and pasted off an old micro machines game. If a game was based on graphics alone you can already tell that this is a crapper. Now I will talk about the most important part in a game, gameplay, which makes or breaks a game.
The gameplay in Pounding Pistons 2 is horrible. The sense of speed is incredibly bad. Everything moves by super slow when you’re going 1-150MPH, but when you’re going 180 things move by so fast. I’ve passed houses faster going 10 MPH on my roller blades, than going 150 in Pounding Pistons two. The controls feel sloppy and you have to be at a dead stop to turn corners in the game. Take in to consideration when you’re racing there are 8 other cars and you’re trying to do all this while maintaining on the road and not crashing in to your opponents. The only good part of the gameplay is when you get off the road, which is often the Cybiko rumbles, which is quasi realistic. Now, I will talk about an important part in every game, the single player.
Pounding Pistons doesn’t have an enjoyable, or memorable single player. With bad controls, bad graphics, why would you find this game fun. The game would have been fun with a multi player so you and your friend can laugh at this sloppy game. The game has a few things going for it, but they are few and far between. Now I will talk about the fun factor.
With tedious, repetitive gameplay and bad graphics this game is not very fun. IF the controls were better it might be fun, but we will never know now. They are so many good games for Cybiko and good racing games for Cybiko that are enjoyable, I don’t think you should waist time on this game. Now I will sum the game up and give my overall score.
Don’t download Pounding Pistons two. It isn’t fun, and is not a well-rounded game. They are so many good games for Cybiko, why waist space on this one. The guy who made this tried to do a good job, but needs to work a little harder. It is not a realistic game, and don’t waist your time.
Good backgrounds
Rumbles at correct time
Not fun
Bad controls
No variety
Bad graphics
Overall Score