Jonez Interview

Awtrules: Hey, Jonez, nice talking to you
JonezBasketball: you too
Awtrules: The question on everyone's mind is how much complete is Super Wannabe Brothers?
JonezBasketball: Well, right now, we are contacting lots of our members in our project assigning different things to do. We are basically just organizing everything right now. We expect the Super Wannabe Brothers game to be out in late March or early April. It all depends on schoolwork and how much time we have. The demo will released very soon containing the first two levels or so.
Awtrules: And when should we expect the demo to be out?
JonezBasketball: That has not been decided by us yet.
Awtrules: How good are the graphics, in comparison to other handheld game i.e. other handhelds
Awtrules: game boy
JonezBasketball: You can't expect the graphics to be as good as game boy graphics because game boy games are large memory-taking games. The game boy game for Super Mario Brothers is almost 2 mb or so. We are shrinking the size to be around 80-90 kb long game but don't expect the graphics to be as good as game boy but good for a cybiko game. We haven’t tried out the game so we can’t really tell you how good the graphics are. Our demo will be around 10-20 kb.
Awtrules: That surprises me, because games like NSC Blazin' Boards has better graphics than any game boy game and it is 47kb
JonezBasketball: Yeah, but Super Mario Brothers is a BIG game with tons of different levels while NSC Blazin' Boards is just one level.
Awtrules: That's very true, but I find it difficult to believe Cybiko is a lower level in terms of graphics than the game boy
JonezBasketball: Well, I am pretty sure you can make a game have even better graphics than game boy but it would be too large for a cybiko without a memory card. We want Super Wannabe Brothers to be small enough for anyone to download it.
Awtrules: And you can go on record saying Super Wannabe Brothers is how much complete?
JonezBasketball: Well, I would have to say we are about 10% done.
Awtrules: Well, good luck with Cybiko Mania and for now later.
JonezBasketball: Nice talking to you.

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