
CyRace is a driving game where you race on eight tracks, with seven drivers and try to survive by staying out of last on all eight tracks. CyRace is an older, but fun Cybiko game and I will give you my opinion on this game in my review. The next section will discuss graphics, which are an always evolving section that’s very important to discuss.

Even though CyRace is an older Cybiko game, it is still one of the best looking. The cars and tracks are very well animated albeit repetitive, all the cars and tracks look the same, but they still look very good. Another small complaint I have is there is no animated dashboard and the cars look sort of boxy. The graphics in CyRace are at the upper echelon of the Cybiko crop, but still have some minor problems. The next and most important section will discuss gameplay, which is a very important section to discuss and critique.

Cyrace has an average gameplay, because of its minor annoyances. I will start of the gameplay in CyRace by discussing the bad points to get them out of the way. CyRace feels robotic-like, or as we’ve come to know in the presidential race at an Al Gore type pace. The cars move way too slow and running off the track creates a big problem to get back on. The tracks are very repetitive, but are very fun, which saves this from creating a big problem. The button layout is very good and the map lets you see were to go and really helps the gameplay out. The gameplay in CyRace is adequate, because of its fair share of problems. The next section will discuss single-player, which is an ever important section to discuss.

The single player in CyRace is very fun. Even with the repetitive tracks, CyRace will keep you playing for many hours. The game still stands as one of the best Cybiko games after being out for over one year. A multi player mode, would have incorporated great in to CyRace, but was left out for reasons un-known. Even without the left out multi-layer, the single player in CyRace is great. The most important part of a game is how fun it is and is important to everyone, because it tells how long you will play the game and that is the section I will discuss next.

CyRace is a very fun game and should keep you playing for hours, even with the annoyances I discussed the game is very fun and will keep you entertained for many weeks. Finally, I will sum the game up and give my overall score.

CyRace being on the original Cybiko game is a great first generation game. It stands the Cybiko test of time and is still as fun as ever. It is a game I recommend everyone pick up and is an upper echelon Cybiko game. Download this game quickly and experience the fun of CyRace.
Overall Score: 8/10

Good graphics
Good button layout
Repetitive tracks and cars
Slow paced

Everything Copyright 2000-2001 Mike Mertz. That means don't copy ANYTHING off my site or i'll sue you on Judge Judy.