
The Cyboard is the official message board of Cybiko Inc. found at their official website.  You post a message, and it is up on the Cyboard in about 5 minutes, after it is confirmed by the Cyboard team.  You can also post replies to questions that have already been posted, and that is the beauty of the Cyboard.

The Cyboard gets hundreds of hits a day, and everytime you go to it there are ten new messages.  It is great for all Cybiko fans, because you can go and post a message and anyone can post a reply to answer it!  The Cyboard is probably visited 10 times a minute (just an estimate) so chances are as soon as your message is posted, it will be answered within a few minutes.  This is the great thing about the official Cybiko website having a message board!

Take our message board for example.  We have had the site up for a pretty good while, and we have over 3000 hits, but only about 15 total messages on our board.  Everyone knows that hardly anyone checks out Cybiko fan site message boards, so they don't even bother posting questions and comments on them.  They think smart, and go to the official Cyboard, where hundreds of people will see their message and it will be answered ASAP.

The newest layout of the Cyboard is really helpful (split up into forums).  The main reason that it is so much better is because every time you used to go to the Cyboard (when it was one huge board), there were about 2 new pages of posted messages.  Having to go back to other pages all the time was extremely annoying, and it took alot of the fun out of the Cyboard.  Now that it is in forums, you can pick what you want to look at (general, tech support, cycommunity, etc.) and don't have to pick and choose through messages of a catagory you don't want to see.

There are only a few bad things about the Cyboard, but nothing that keeps me from going more than 5 times a day : )  One of them is the confirmation service on the Cyboard.  Yes it would be nice if your message went up instantly, but hundreds of people would see whatever you posted, even if it was bad.  Also, alot of the people that come are small kids.  That's the good thing about the confirmation service of the Cyboard.  The bad thing is that it seems a little slack.  Anyone who went to the Cyboard saw the "f** off" message, which should not have gotten put through.  No cursing should be allowed on the Cyboard, period.  

The only other major bad thing about the Cyboard is that you can put in anyone's name and have it posted to look like they wrote it.  An example of something bad that could happen due to this is: some mean-spirited guy comes on the Cyboard and cusses someone out, or tells a lie.  He is mad at (just for the example) me, so as the name he puts Cloud1332.  Everyone who sees this is going to think I posted this message, and it will get me a bad reputation.  Do you see the problem with this?  An easy solution would be to make a password login before you can post a message on the Cyboard, that would make alot of people happy.

Well in conclusion... the Cyboard almost unanimously ROCKS!  Keep up the good message work Cybiko Inc!


Everything Copyright 2000-2001 Mike Mertz. That means don't copy ANYTHING off my site or i'll sue you on Judge Judy.