Everyone who has the official Cybiko Carrying case will agree, it is awesome and really protects your Cybiko great; but it is $15.95, and there are tons of simple replacements for it that will do just as good for protecting your Cybiko, for cheaper. You can use a simple cellular phone case, and it works great if you get the right size, especially if you can get a neoprene case. Mike uses a cell phone case for his Cybiko, and it fits great. The case he uses is the "Sanyo Large Universal", if you want to try it out. Also, camera cases will work good if you get a nice neoprene one that will fit your Cybiko. I have an official Cybiko Carrying case, and I really do love it; all I am saying is that there are cheaper alternatives that could work just as good, maybe even better... just a thought : P