Strap of the Century

This is my First Project. It isn't really a project, but hell it's something new. In this write up I will explain a carrying strap that costs 2 cents.
All you need is a piece of that thick rubbery lanyard string, any color you want, that is about 1 foot long
The Creation
Just take the lanyard and slide one end through the little hole found in the bottom left hand corner of your cybiko on the side. Next just take the 2 ends of the lanyard and put them together and think that they are one  
and just make a loop, pull it around and pull through and there you are, a carrying strap
Now you can simply leave your Cybiko around your neck when you need to stop and blink for a moment cuz you are too caught up in those big pimpin games. Also you can hang it around something so you never lose it, plus many other things.
There were a few problems with this. One was that it might put tension on the chip if you have opened your cybiko up and cant tighten it all the way. Also if you are walking around with it on your neck buttons get pressed, who knows you might waste all your batteries because you turned it on accident and since buttons were pressed it wouldn't go to sleep
Is it Worth It?
YES!!!!!!! It is cheap and it is completely removable and only take a minute to install!!!!!

Everything Copyright 2000-2001 Mike Mertz. That means don't copy ANYTHING off my site or i'll sue you on Judge Judy.